Estate Planning Law

Leave a lasting legacy for your heirs
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Estate Planning Law Attorney In Maitland, Florida

What Our Law Firm Offers

For adults, estate planning is important no matter what stage of your life you are in. You may be young and just starting out. You may be newly married or a new parent. You may be well-established in your career or deciding to retire soon or you may already be retired. No matter where you are in life, estate planning will help you secure your future so that if something unexpected happens, you and your loved ones are protected.

At Veliz Katz Law, we help our clients understand the benefits of estate planning so that they may make informed decisions about their estate and their future. We will guide you through the process to make sure the estate planning tools you choose to use are properly executed. Here, we provide an overview of what estate planning may entail. Contact us with your questions and to learn more about how these tools may be applied in your unique situation.

Contact Veliz Katz Law to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today. 407-849-7072

What Is Estate Planning in Florida?

Estate planning is a plan you create and update throughout your life stages to protect yourself and your loved ones. Estate planning is a means for you to manage your finances and control how your assets will be distributed upon your death. It is also a way to reduce expenses, frustration, and delays for heirs and to make sure that they receive their share of the estate timely and without contest – if at all possible and if the estate plan was well-developed and properly implemented.

What Are The Benefits Of Florida Estate Planning?

The benefits of estate planning are many. Here, we provide you with a few of the biggest ones, like:

  • avoiding probate;
  • providing for minor children;
  • providing for the self in case of incapacity;
  • planning for taxes; and
  • planning for any charitable giving.

Probate Avoidance

If you die intestate (dying without a will), then your property will be divided according to the law. Typically, this means dividing the property between your spouse and descendants (children, grandchildren, etc.). Fifty percent will go to the spouse and the remaining fifty percent will be divided among any children (if there are no children of the deceased or the surviving spouse, the spouse receives 100 percent of the estate minus qualifying creditors). Dying intestate leaves room for a lot of legal ramifications, including in-fighting among heirs and vulnerability to creditors.

Contact an Experienced Estate Planning Attorney Representing Central Florida

Whether you have an estate plan and want it updated to reflect your stage in life or want to start one so you can begin protecting your assets and your family, we at Veliz Katz Law can help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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