Child Support

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Child Support Attorney In Maitland, Florida

Reaching An Agreement With Your Divorced Spouse

Divorce can be a difficult time for a family, especially if children are involved. No parent should have to worry if the financial burden of a divorce will impact proper care or financial support for their children. So you need experienced child support & custody attorney to deal with it.

Contrary to popular belief, child support is not a duty placed on one parent and owed to the other parent. Child support is owed to the child or children in question. Child support is not simply income but includes insurance, mortgage payments, health expenses, and more.

Some of the factors considered when handling child support & custody include:

  • Amount of support
  • Method of payment
  • Supervision of timely payments and following of guidelines
  • Changes to amounts in child support
  • Effects on taxes

Contact Veliz Katz Law to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today. 407-849-7072

Catering To Your Unique Needs

Amount of support is generated using a few basic guidelines such as, number of children, the income of both parents, child care expenses, child health care expenses, and providing for the standard needs of a child. Florida has its own list to determine the standard needs of a child. Temporary support may be awarded during any divorce or child support proceedings as supplementary income until a final child support arrangement can be reached.

In the state of Florida, child support can be paid in the following ways:

  • Credit card or electronic check
  • Checking or savings account
  • Cash via money transferring services (Amscot or MoneyGram)
  • By mail

All forms of payment must go through the courts and do not go directly to the recipient until passed through the proper avenues.

A Trusted Guide in Your Corner

,If a parent is not paying child support, it is up to the other parent to notify the state so that payments can be enforced and monitored. Florida employers collect more than three-quarters of the total child support owed by withholding the amount necessary from the parent’s paycheck. The state has another way to enforce the withholding process as well. In the event child support is more than thirty days late or is willfully not paid, there are additional measures that can be taken to obtain the necessary support. However, it is important to note that a parent cannot withhold time-sharing due to failure to pay child support by the other parent.

You may qualify for a review or change in your support order if:

  • Your court order will not end six months from when a request for review is submitted.
  • Your support order has not been changed or reviewed in the last three years or you can document a large change in your life that could impact child support.
  • Adding or removing a child from the order.
  • Extending the duration support needs to be paid.
  • Adding or removing additional support from the order (such as medical or child care expenses)

For federal income tax purposes, child support is not deductible by the payer but would be tax-free for any parent receiving it for the care of their child. The parent with the most time-sharing of the child in question is the parent who can claim that child as a dependent on their tax return, but the other parent cannot. However, a parent offering 50% or more in child support may be able to claim an exemption for tax purposes.

If you are seeking counsel for a child support attorney or an experienced child custody attorney in Orlando Florida, contact the Orlando family law attorneys of Veliz Katz Law for a consultation.

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